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Diamond Gloss

Finish and Sealer

  • Extremely durable and mark-resistant seal and finish
  • Cross-linked polymer formula produces a high, hard gloss
  • Heel, scuff and detergent-resistant for longer life
  • Large area coverage – up to 3,000 sq. ft. per gallon

Product Code: 269FF

Sizes Available

Finish and Sealer

Extremely durable and mark-resistant seal and finish.


Finish and Sealer

Extremely durable and mark-resistant seal and finish.


Additional Features

  • Use on vinyl tile, linoleum, terrazzo and quarry tile floors
  • Excellent leveling and sealing properties
  • Fast-drying – 30 minutes under normal conditions
  • Meets ASTM Method D2047 for slip resistance


  • Type – Acrylic Emulsion
  • Form – Opaque Liquid
  • Odor – Bland
  • Color – Milky White
  • Film Clarity – Clear
  • Weight per Gallon – 8.61 Lbs.
  • pH – 7.1
  • Storage Stability – Min. 1 Year
  • Freeze/Thaw – Do Not Freeze
  • V.O.C. Content – 1.0%

* Properties are typical and subject to usual manufacturing tolerances.



  1. Prepare Floor: THOROUGHLY STRIP old sealers, waxes and finishes. For best results, use floor machine with stripping pad. Strip build-up along edges and in corners. Rinse thoroughly so that no stripper or alkaline residue remains on floor.

NOTE: For stripping and maintaining asbestos containing tile, follow OSHA guidelines or EPA guidelines.

  1. Apply Finish: Floor must be completely dry before applying finish. Apply very thin coats using a string mop or lambs’ wool applicator. Under normal conditions, allow to dry for 30 minutes between coats. For best results, apply a maximum of 4 coats in 24 hours.
  2. Maintain Daily: Dust mop at least daily, or more as required, to keep floor dust and dirt free. Use our neutral cleaner to damp mop liquid spills as they occur. Damp mop or auto scrub daily with our no-rinse neutral cleaner.
  3. Restore Floor: This finish responds to spray buffing with conventional speed floor machines using beige or red spray buff pads.

NOTE: Always dust mop floor after spray buffing.

SPECIAL NOTE: Use of our restorer on this floor finish IMPROVES SLIP RESISTANCE.

  1. Recoating: Before recoating, dust mop and then scrub floor aggressively using our neutral cleaner or cleaner/restorer and auto scrubber with a red pad. Use black pad for heavily marked or unusually dirty floor. After scrubbing, thoroughly rinse floor with clean water and allow to dry. Then, apply finish.

SPECIAL NOTE: Do not pour unused finish back into original container. Careful adherence to our maintenance procedures will greatly extend the life cycle of your floor and greatly reduce the frequency of recoating, stripping and refinishing.

COVERAGE: Up to 3,000 square feet per gallon (75 m2 per liter).

Read label before use. Keep out of reach of children. If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand.


  • Diamond Gloss is very easy to apply with a standard finish mop and dries perfectly clear.
  • Diamond Gloss has fast-drying – 30 minutes under normal conditions


Product Code Sizes UPC Code Pack Size (inches) Cube (ft) Pack Wt. (lbs) Full Pallet
269FF-5GP 5 Gallon
78336626905 12 x 14 1.17 45.9 36
269FF-GR4 4 x One
78336626904 13 x 13.5 x 12.5 1.27 37.3 36
  • Product Code: 269FF-5GP
  • Sizes: 5 Gallon Pail
  • UPC Code: 78336626905
  • Pack Size (inches): 12 x 14
  • Cube (ft): 1.17
  • Pack Wt. (lbs): 45.9
  • Full Pallet: 36
  • Product Code: 269FF-GR4
  • Sizes: 4 x One Gallon
  • UPC Code: 78336626904
  • Pack Size (inches): 13 x 13.5 x 12.5
  • Cube (ft): 1.27
  • Pack Wt. (lbs): 37.3
  • Full Pallet: 36


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* These are generalized classifications based on market research. Terms and definitions may be different from manufacturer to manufacturer; however, the above information will help to determine pad compatibility with various floor machines and Essential finishes on the market.