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G2 Green Finish

High Performance Floor Coating

  • Non-yellowing, low-maintenance formula offers industry-leading black mark and scuff resistance.
  • Applies easily, levels nicely and dries to a deep gloss.
  • Zinc-free, APEO-free and phthalate-free finish.

Product Code: 8201FF

Green Seal Certified Full Color

Sizes Available

Not For Sale in the Following States: MN

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High Performance Floor Coating

Non-yellowing, low-maintenance formula offers industry-leading black mark and scuff resistance.


Safety Data Sheets


High Performance Floor Coating

Non-yellowing, low-maintenance formula offers industry-leading black mark and scuff resistance.


Additional Features

  • Low emission formula – meets new 1% VOC Regulation.
  • Ammonia-free, low odor.
  • Combination seal and finish.
  • Fast-drying – 20 minutes under normal conditions.
  • Large area coverage – up to 3,000 sq. ft. per gallon.
  • Green Seal GS-40 certified.


  • Type – Acrylic Emulsion
  • Form – Opaque Liquid
  • Odor – Bland
  • Color – Milky White
  • Film Clarity – Clear
  • Weight Per Gallon – 8.61 Lbs.
  • pH – 7.1
  • Storage Stability – Minimum 1 Year
  • Freeze/Thaw – Do Not Freeze
  • Slip Resistance – UL Classified

* Properties are typical and subject to usual manufacturing tolerances.



  1. Strip floors to remove old waxes, sealers and finishes.
  2. Rinse thoroughly and let dry.
  3. With clean equipment apply thin, even coats of G2 Green Finish.
  4. Under normal conditions, allow to dry for 20 minutes between coats.
  5. For best results, apply a maximum of 4 coats in 24 hours.
  6. Allow 48 hours for the finish to reach full cure before wet cleaning. Burnishing will speed cure time.

NOTE: For stripping and maintaining asbestos containing tile, follow OSHA or EPA guidelines.
COVERAGE: One gallon covers up to 3,000 square feet (1 liter covers 75 m2).



  1. Sweep or dust mop frequently to remove gritty soil.
  2. Use our Green Clean(8513FC) to damp mop spills as they occur. Damp mop or auto scrub nightly with Green Clean(8513FC).
  3. Buff if desired with high speed equipment and blended hair pads.


  1. To repair and deep clean floor, apply a green restorer with mop or auto scrubber.
  2. Allow floor to dry.x2. Allow floor to dry.x
  3. Burnish floor with high speed equipment. This finish also responds to spray buffing with conventional speed equipment. NOTE: Always dust mop after burnishing or spray buffing.

Periodic Recoating:

  1. Dust mop entire floor then scrub aggressively using a green restorer and auto scrubber with a red or green pad.
  2. Rinse floor and allow to dry.
  3. Apply G2 Green Finish. Stripping G2 Green Finish: Strip with Green Strip (8881FX) diluted 1:4.

Read label before use. Keep out of reach of children. If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand.

Dispose of contents and container in accordance with all local, regional, national and international regulations. Please recycle container.

See label directions and SDS for complete usage and safety instructions.


  • Green Finish is very easy to apply with a standard finish mop and dries perfectly clear.
  • For best results in high traffic locations (such as supermarkets) and entranceways, apply four coats the first night, then follow-up a few days later with four more coats. This gives you the desired film thickness from which to properly maintain your floor.
  • Allow 48 hours for the finish to reach full cure before cleaning. Burnishing will speed cure time.
  • If product freezes, do not use.


Not For Sale in the Following States: MN

Product Code Sizes UPC Code Pack Size (inches) Cube (ft) Pack Wt. (lbs) Full Pallet
8201FF-5GP 5 Gallon
783366820153 12 x 14 1.17 45.73 36
8201FF-GR4 4 x One
783366820146 13 x 13.5 x 12.5 1.27 36.16 36
  • Product Code: 8201FF-5GP
  • Sizes: 5 Gallon Pail
  • UPC Code: 783366820153
  • Pack Size (inches): 12 x 14
  • Cube (ft): 1.17
  • Pack Wt. (lbs): 45.73
  • Full Pallet: 36
  • Product Code: 8201FF-GR4
  • Sizes: 4 x One Gallon
  • UPC Code: 783366820146
  • Pack Size (inches): 13 x 13.5 x 12.5
  • Cube (ft): 1.27
  • Pack Wt. (lbs): 36.16
  • Full Pallet: 36


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* These are generalized classifications based on market research. Terms and definitions may be different from manufacturer to manufacturer; however, the above information will help to determine pad compatibility with various floor machines and Essential finishes on the market.