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Imperium Concrete Polish Guard

Protectant for Concrete Floors

  • Works as a polish guard for concrete floors
  • Provides protection from spills
  • Offers superior chemical resistance
  • Mar and scratch resistance
  • Non-yellowing
  • Responsive to burnishing with diamond impregnated pads
  • Fast drying formula
  • Applies easily using standard equipment
  • Large coverage area – 1500-2000+ ft2/gallon

Product Code: 164CF

Sizes Available

Safety Data Sheets


Protectant for Concrete Floors

Easy to apply and dries fast.


Safety Data Sheets


Protectant for Concrete Floors

Easy to apply and dries fast.



  • Type – Acrylic and Urethane Emulsion
  • Form – Opaque Liquid
  • Odor – Bland
  • Color – Milky White
  • pH – 7.5 – 9.0
  • V.O.C. – 1%
  • Weight per Gallon – 8.7 Lbs.
  • Storage Stability – Min. 1 Year
  • Freeze/Thaw – Protect From Freezing
  • Film Clarity – Clear
  • Floor Solids – 15%



Protect people, vehicles, property, plants and all surfaces not set to receive Imperium Concrete Polish Guard from product, splash and wind drift. Use polyethylene or other protective material.

Imperium may be applied to existing, cured concrete of any age. Surfaces must be clean and structurally sound. Remove all foreign materials including bond breakers, curing agents, surface grease and oil, and construction debris using the appropriate surface prep cleaner.

Follow cleaning with thorough water rinsing.

Neutralize and rinse acid-stained concrete before applying. Application may begin as soon as prepared surfaces are dry.

Surface and Air Temperatures: For application should be 40-100°F (4-38°C).

Equipment: Apply with an airless sprayer or a pour can and flat mop. DO NOT use a string mop.

NOTE: For stripping and maintaining asbestos containing flooring, follow OSHA or EPA guidelines.

ALWAYS TEST each surface for suitability and results before overall application.

Dilution & Mixing: Apply as packaged. Do not dilute or alter, or use other than as specified. Mix well before use.

Typical Coverage Rates: Variations in surface texture, concrete quality, porosity, job-site conditions, temperature and relative humidity affect coverage and drying. The following figures are for estimating only.

Estimated Coverage Rates

  • 1500-2000 square feet per Gallon
  • 135-185 square meters per Liter

Calculating Project-Specific Target Coverage Rate

  1. Prepare a clean, dry and absorbent test area.
  2. Place one gallon of Imperium into a clean pour can. Use the following Application Instructions. Repeat as needed for the desired finish.
  3. Measure the test area and the amount of Imperium Concrete Polish Guard applied to get the Target Coverage Rate per gallon. Protect the completed test area from moisture for at least 4 hours.



The product can be applied to broomed, steel troweled, honed, polished or highly polished interior concrete surfaces.

  1. If applying with a flat mop, lightly wet a clean microfiber pad with Imperium Concrete Polish Guard, leaving the pad damp.
  2. Spray-apply or use a pour can to apply Imperium to the surface in a bead. Spread with a flat mop and damp microfiber pad. Work from one control joint to another.
  3. Maintain a thin, even coating and wet edge. Stop spreading once drying begins. Do not overlap. Rinse mop between coats.
  4. Allow to dry tack free, typically 15-30 minutes.
  5. Before applying the next coat, burnish with a propane machine equipped with a 6000-10,000 grit diamond pad.
  6. Repeat steps 1-5. Two coats minimum for stain protection. 3-4 coats for high gloss results.
  7. For a uniform gloss, continue burnishing with a white polishing pad. Burnish at a fast walking pace.

Protect from water for 4 hours. At 72°F (22°C) and 40% relative humidity, product dry times are:

  • To Touch: 30-60 minutes
  • Light Foot Traffic: 4 hours
  • Normal traffic: overnight

The product gains its full stain repellency properties in 7 days.

Cleanup: Before the product dries, clean tools and equipment with fresh water.

See label directions and SDS for complete usage and safety instructions.


Product Code Sizes UPC Code Pack Size (inches) Cube (ft) Pack Wt. (lbs) Full Pallet
164CF-5GP 5 Gallon Pail 783366164059 12 x 14 1.17 46.7 36
  • Product Code: 164CF-5GP
  • Sizes: 5 Gallon Pail
  • UPC Code: 783366164059
  • Pack Size (inches): 12 x 14
  • Cube (ft): 1.17
  • Pack Wt. (lbs): 46.7
  • Full Pallet: 36