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Point Guard

Fast-Drying Water-Based Floor Seal

  • For new or newly sanded wood floors
  • Fast-build formulation and rich amber color.
  • Easily abrades smooth with maroon floor pads

Product Code: 226SF


Sizes Available


Not For Sale in the Following States: MN

Fast-Drying Water-Based Floor Seal

For new or newly sanded wood floors


Fast-Drying Water-Based Floor Seal

For new or newly sanded wood floors


Additional Features

  • Perfect for gym floors, racquetball courts, dance floors and other wood surfaces
  • Fast-drying – 60 minutes under normal conditions
  • Dramatically reduces risk of sidebonding
  • Coverage – up to 600 sq. ft. per gallon


  • Type – Urethane/Acrylic Blend
  • Form – Opaque Liquid
  • Odor – Bland
  • Color – Off-White
  • Weight per Gallon – 8.73 Lbs.
  • pH – 7.5 – 8.5
  • Floor Solids – 30%
  • Storage Stability – Up To 1 Year, Unopened
  • Freeze/Thaw – Passes 3 Cycles
  • V.O.C. – 164 gm/l

* Properties are typical and subject to usual manufacturing tolerances.

**Not for sale in the following states: MN


Note: Never apply Point Guard to a floor that has been chemically stripped.


  1. Sand floor using appropriate procedures. All old coatings or wax should be removed.
  2. Finish sanding with a new 120-grit screen. Do not use steel wool.
  3. Vacuum all dust and tack with clean, water dampened towels or microfiber pads that have been tightly wrung out. Tack until all dust has been removed.
  4. Allow floor to dry until there is no sign of moisture.

(use on any new or newly sanded floors)

  1. Check moisture content of wood. It should be 10% or less before sealing.
  2. Apply seal with a weighted T-bar.
  3. Allow first coat to dry 1 hour (longer dry times will be necessary under high humidity). Recheck floor with moisture meter. If moisture reading is higher than starting point, allow more dry time.
  4. Screening is not necessary if recoated in less than 48 hours. If screening is desired, use 150-220 grit sanding screens.
  5. Tack until all dust has been removed with clean, water-dampened towels or microfiber pads that are tightly wrung out.
  6. Apply second coat of seal using a weighted T-bar. Allow 12 or more hours of cure time.
  7. Repeat steps 4-5 from above.
  8. If desired, paint game lines using a high quality, 100% acrylic latex paint. If not painting, proceed to step 10 below.
  9. Allow game lines 24 hours of cure time. Then properly abrade before applying top coats.
  10. Apply 3 coats of Sport Kote PC® (128SF) or Satin Sport Kote(228SF). See product label for complete details.

Note: If any grain raising is noticed between coats of Sport Kote, buff the floor smooth with a maroon pad and tack.

COVERAGE: One gallon covers approximately 450-600 square feet (One liter covers 11-15 m2).

See label directions and SDS for complete usage and safety instructions.

Application Hints

  • Under high humidity and high temperatures, dry times for Point Guard will vary greatly. Do not apply a second coat if the first coat is still tacky.


Not For Sale in the Following States: MN

Product Code Sizes UPC Code Pack Size (inches) Cube (ft) Pack Wt. (lbs) Full Pallet
226SF-2W25 2 x 2½ Gallon
Plastic Container
783366226030 14 x 9.5 x 15.25 1.17 47.14 36
  • Product Code: 226SF-2W25
  • Sizes: 2 x 2½ Gallon Plastic Container
  • UPC Code: 783366226030
  • Pack Size (inches): 14 x 9.5 x 15.25
  • Cube (ft): 1.17
  • Pack Wt. (lbs): 46.51
  • Full Pallet: 36